ミゼンヘッド フルラグジュアリー プライベートツアー

ツアータイプ: Day Tours 場所: Kerry 期間: 7.5 Hours


ツアータイプ: Luxury Attractions 場所: Kerry 期間: 7.5 Hours



  • 特別な体験。
  • ミゼンヘッドへの一日ツアー。
  • 豊かな緑と自然の驚異。
  • 個人旅行。


包含物 & 除外

  • Bottled water
  • Private transportation
  • Air-conditioned vehicle
  • Coffee and/or Tea
  • Lunch
  • Admission tickets to Bantry House and Gardens-Adult Estate Admission-€14
  • Admission tickets to Mizen Head -Adult: €7.50 | Senior/Student: €6
  • Admission tickets to Ross Castle: €5


The provider will charge a cancellation fee of 100% if booking is cancelled 1 day or less before the event.


The provider will charge a cancellation fee of 0% if booking is cancelled 1000 days or less before the event.

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