
游览类型: Outdoor Attractions 位置: Cork 持续时间: 2.5 Hours


游览类型: Cycling Tours 位置: Cork 持续时间: 2.5 Hours



  • 探索科克的魅力。
  • 了解塑造该县的当地历史。
  • 有益又轻松的旅行。
  • 五星级体验。


内含物 & 排除情况

  • Tour Guide
  • Bike
  • Helmet
  • Hi Vis Vest
  • Food
  • Drink


  • A non-refundable 5% booking fee is included in all tour prices.
  • Cancellations made up to 48 hours before the tour start time incur a 5% charge.
  • Cancellations made between 48 and 24 hours before the tour start time incur a 25% charge.
  • Cancellations made between 24 and 12 hours before the tour start time incur a 50% charge.
  • Cancellations made within 12 hours of the tour start time incur a 100% charge.
  • The tour will proceed in light rain or passing showers.
  • The tour will be cancelled if weather conditions render it unsafe or if the experience will not be enjoyable. In such cases, guests may choose between a free reschedule or a 100% refund.
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