Passeios com snorkel em Ballinskelligs Bay

Tipo de passeio: Outdoor Attractions Localização: Kerry Duração: 2 Hours

Explore a costa protegida da Baía de Ballinskelligs praticando mergulho com snorkel com um biólogo marinho local.

Fornecedor: Sea Synergy Marine Awareness & Activity Centre
Passeios com snorkel em Ballinskelligs Bay
A partir de
per Adult


Family Tickets
(2 Adults + 2 Kids)

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Localização: Kerry Duração: 2 Hours
Passeios com snorkel em Ballinskelligs Bay
per Adult
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Explore a costa protegida da Baía de Ballinskelligs praticando mergulho com snorkel com um biólogo marinho local.

Fornecedor: Sea Synergy Marine Awareness & Activity Centre

O que esperar

  • Experiência de mergulho guiado.
  • Explore a vida marinha local.
  • Descubra as margens da Baía Ballinskelligs.
  • Aventura ao ar livre.

Descrição completa

Participe de um passeio guiado com snorkel com um biólogo marinho local ao longo do Wild Atlantic Way, explorando a bela costa protegida da Baía de Ballinskelligs. Descubra florestas de algas e costões rochosos repletos de vida marinha única.

Todos os equipamentos, uma demonstração e uma palestra sobre segurança são fornecidos!


Ponto de encontro - Ballinskelligs Pier, Ballinskelligs, Co.

Detalhes do passeio

  • Adequado para maiores de 8 anos.
  • Use roupas de banho por baixo da roupa de neoprene.

  • Use botas de neoprene ou sapatos velhos adequados para a água.

  • Leve protetor solar, água e toalha.


  • Safety Talk
  • Demonstrations
  • Equipment

Política de cancelamento

  • If the tour provider cancels or changes your activity due to weather conditions, mechanical failure or for other reasons beyond their control, they will re-book or provide you with a full refund, they will not, however, reimburse travel, accommodation or other incidental expenses or consequential issues incurred by you.
  • If you cancel your activity, they will happily arrange a full refund so long as you make contact two weeks before activity commencement. If you cancel between two weeks and 48 hours notice they will refund you in full less 20% of the value of cancelled bookings as an admin fee. If you cancel with less than 48 hours notice prior to course commencement they will keep any deposit or payment they have taken up to 50% of the activity value. However if they are able to re-book you on to a similar activity they will be able to count any deposit or payment made towards your next booking.
  • If you fail to arrive for the activity or give us less than one hours notice of a cancellation for any reason Sea Synergy reserve the right to keep any payment made towards the activity. They may at their discretion count this as credit towards future activities or re-bookings.
  • Refunds will be in the same form as the original payment to the purchaser (if possible) and no interest will be paid on the amount to be refunded.
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