
游览类型: Walking Tours 持续时间: 2 Hours.


持续时间: 2 Hours.



  • 探索爱尔兰最大的岛屿。
  • 了解 1830 年代的宗教战争。
  • 探索围绕阿基尔使命的故事。
  • 欣赏爱德华·南格尔的作品。


沿着一条约一英里长的小径行驶,这条小径覆盖了梅奥郡阿基尔传教区的历史遗址。英国电影和电视艺术学院 (BAFTA) 获奖作家阿基尔岛民 (Achill Islander) 和热衷于讲故事和殖民地的导游凯文 (Kevin) 将分享当地人对岛屿过去的见解。

旅程从杜戈特海滩开始,继续探索美丽的风景。以有趣和互动的方式分享有关爱德华·南格尔 (Edward Nangle) 及其在 19 世纪参与社区活动的有趣事实。



游览从Strand Hotel F28 NY97外开始。


Colony Tour 建议提前 5 至 10 分钟抵达,以便与导游会面。

旅行结束时间仅供参考,如果情况超出导游的控制范围,殖民地之旅 (The Colony Tour) 不对晚于宣传时间结束的旅行负责。


Tickets are non-refundable.

No refunds are available if participants miss their Tour due to arriving late, getting lost or for any other reason.

The Colony Tour reserves the right to cancel or postpone a tour for any reason (bad weather, staff illness etc.). If the tour provider cancels a tour they will provide customers with a full refund or tickets for alternative date. 

If the participant needs to change their booking, they must advise the company at least 24 hours prior to the original tour date. The company will do its best to accommodate the new date however if it is within the 24-hour cancellation period and our tours are fully booked for the desired date the payment will be forfeit.




Great Experience
Had a great time,tour guide was very informative.The views of the cliffs from the water are beautiful.Lots of sea life, must to do in Dingle.
Sep 2023
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