Senior Keeper Experience at Secret Valley Wildlife Park

Tour Type: Outdoor Attractions Location: Wexford Duration: 6 Hours

Immerse yourself in the Senior Keeper Experience at Secret Valley Wildlife Park, where you'll work alongside our expert team to care for the variety of animal residents in a memorable way.

Provider: Secret Valley Wildlife Park
Senior Keeper Experience at Secret Valley Wildlife Park
per Experience for One
Experience for One

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Tour Type: Family Attractions Location: Wexford Duration: 6 Hours
Senior Keeper Experience at Secret Valley Wildlife Park
per Experience for One
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Immerse yourself in the Senior Keeper Experience at Secret Valley Wildlife Park, where you'll work alongside our expert team to care for the variety of animal residents in a memorable way.

Provider: Secret Valley Wildlife Park

What to Expect

  • Educational talks
  • Interactive demonstrations.
  • Hands-on experience.
  • Explore hidden gems.

Full Description

This unique opportunity is tailored for individuals passionate about animals, offering a firsthand glimpse into the daily responsibilities of a zookeeper. It serves as invaluable exposure for those considering a career in zoo keeping or any animal-related field. Whether you're exploring career options or simply have a deep love for animals, this adventure promises to be exciting and insightful.


Guests will engage in practical tasks under the guidance of expert keepers, gaining hands-on experience in animal care and welfare. From feeding and grooming to observing behaviours and participating in engaging activities, every moment is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of zoo keeping duties.


Moreover, this activity fosters a deeper appreciation for wildlife conservation efforts and the importance of preserving animal habitats.


Additional Information

Footwear must be fully enclosed, please do not wear sandles, flip flops or high heels.

Inclusions & Exclusions

  • Animal feeding
  • Interaction with zookeepers
  • Breakfast & lunch
  • Park entry
  • Interaction with any primates

Accessibility Information

Wheelchair accessible, although you may experience rough terrain in parts.

Cancellation Policy

  • Customers will receive a full refund or credit if they provide at least 48 hours notice prior to cancellation.
  • In the event of operator cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances, customers will receive a full refund or credit.
  • No-shows will be charged the full price of the booking.
  • Customers may reschedule their booking to another day if they wish.
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