参加一小时的酿酒厂之旅,了解 Listoke 杜松子酒背后的工艺。尽情享用清爽的 G&T 并品尝屡获殊荣的 Wise Owl 威士忌。
参加一小时的酿酒厂之旅,了解 Listoke 杜松子酒背后的工艺。尽情享用清爽的 G&T 并品尝屡获殊荣的 Wise Owl 威士忌。
- 有指导的经验。
- 游览并品尝。
- 探索正在运作的酿酒厂。
- 真实且互动的活动。
- There is a strict 14 day cancellation policy in place. Should you wish to reschedule a Listoke Gin Class that has been booked we require a minimum of 14 days notice in order to reschedule your class.
- If you cancel the class within the 14 days, you will NOT be eligible for a refund.
- In the unlikely event that Listoke Gin School must cancel a class, customers will be accommodated with an alternative class or payment refund.