从科夫火车站步行 5 分钟即可到达肯尼迪码头。
参加 Spike Island Experience 探索科克市的风景秀丽的景观。乘船穿越野性大西洋之路,探索科克的自然美景,参加带导游的游船之旅,解锁臭名昭著的监狱岛。
![View from Spike Island by Louise Kane Scenic View from landmark to the wild Atlantic way with blue skies.](https://cdn.doireland.com/images/doireland/cork/spike/view-from-spike-island_louise-kane_courtesy-lousekane_dublin-book-festival-1.jpg?w1920;h960;)
![Gun Park Spike Island, Courtesy Spike Island Management Gun park in spike island with large window and scenic views](https://cdn.doireland.com/images/doireland/cork/spike/gun-park-spike-island-cobh-co-cork_web-size-1-1.jpg?w1920;h960;)
![Spike Island cell by Spike Island Management View from a small old prison cell on spike island. Gated window security with stone walls.](https://cdn.doireland.com/images/doireland/cork/spike/spike-island-cell_courtesy-spike-island-management-1.jpg?w1920;h960;)
参加 Spike Island Experience 探索科克市的风景秀丽的景观。乘船穿越野性大西洋之路,探索科克的自然美景,参加带导游的游船之旅,解锁臭名昭著的监狱岛。
- 乘船出海,在专业故事讲述者的带领下游览。
- 踏上冒险的步行路线,探索科克的风景。
- 享受一些自由时间,按照自己的节奏探索这个占地 104 英亩的岛屿及其历史。
- 3.5 小时的体验,其中 40 分钟为专业指导,剩余时间可自行探索。
- 集合点 - JF Kennedy Pier, Cobh, Co.Cork。
- 前往斯派克岛需乘坐渡轮,每次行程大约需要 15 分钟。
- 这里有一条儿童历史问答路线,旁边还有游乐场,供小朋友们参加。
- 现场兑换门票时,请不迟于航行时间前 10 分钟到达 Spike Kiosk。
- 科芙大教堂和 Five Foot Way 停车场均提供免费停车。
- 岛上有咖啡馆、礼品店和卫生间设施。
内含物 & 排除情况
- Guided Tour
- Free time to explore
- Ferry Ride
- Playground access for kids
- Free map
- Food and Beverages
There is wheel-chair accessibility via walkways and pontoons on both the island and Cobh itself.
10/12 of exhibitions are wheelchair accessible with wheelchair friendly toilet and cafe access.
Visited on a cold wet July day, but despite this had a thoroughly enjoyable three and a half hours from departure to arrival back in Cobh. From the boat trip over, the engaging and knowledgeable guide and the opportunity to explore both the fort/prison and some of the rest of the island to the prison installations and the rich history reflected there, this is a must when visiting the Cork area.