前往 Gougane Barra 和 Glengarriff 的私人旅游

游览类型: Day Tours 位置: Kerry 持续时间: 8 Hours


提供商: Mary G Tours
前往 Gougane Barra 和 Glengarriff 的私人旅游
per Private Group
Private Group
Max 4 People

日期和门票选项 关闭
游览类型: Luxury Attractions 位置: Kerry 持续时间: 8 Hours
前往 Gougane Barra 和 Glengarriff 的私人旅游
per Private Group
Date & Ticket Options Close


提供商: Mary G Tours


  • 参观鲜为人知的地方。
  • 欣赏当地的山脉和海岸风光。
  • 私人交通工具。
  • 可选的乘船游览。


内含物 & 排除情况

  • Bottled water
  • Air-conditioned vehicle
  • Private transportation
  • Lunch
  • Entry & ferry (optional visit to Garnish Island €20 pp


  • Full Refund: You can cancel up to 24 hours in advance of the experience for a full refund.
  • Late Cancellations: If you cancel less than 24 hours before the experience’s start time, the amount you paid will not be refunded.
  • Changes: Any changes made less than 24 hours before the experience’s start time will not be accepted.
  • Cut-off Times: Cut-off times are based on the experience’s local time.
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