Musikalischer Rundgang durch Glendalough

Erkunden Sie einen der berühmtesten Orte Irlands auf magische Weise mit einem erfahrenen Führer und Musiker

Anbieter: Glendalough Musical Tours

Erkunden Sie einen der berühmtesten Orte Irlands auf magische Weise mit einem erfahrenen Führer und Musiker

Anbieter: Glendalough Musical Tours

Was Sie erwartet

  • Enjoy a dreamy tour of Glendalough.
  • Listen to traditional tales and tunes.
  • Gain views of the Round Tower.
  • Experience a mellow walking tour.

Vollständige Beschreibung

Enjoy the perfect blend of Irish history and culture as you visit the monastic site of Glendalough in county Wicklow. While listening to significant stories that surround the Round Tower and St Kevin's Kitchen, the mellow traditional tunes of Ireland will set scenes and bring landmarks to life.

This walking tour adventure is led by an expert guide and musician who creates a magical atmosphere making the outdoor activity more special.

Discover the tales of past kings and noblemen who travelled from near and far to learn an assortment of craftmanship's joined by peaceful sounds from the fiddle.

It is a dreamy experience that never fails to stand out among many as passions and talents are combined.



Really Enjoyable
We went as a party of four and had a really fantastic time. It was informative and lots of fun. We will most definitely recommend to others, for the experience but also the gorgeous wines. Thank you so much Brett.
Jun 2023 - Trip-advisor
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