
游览类型: Outdoor Attractions 位置: Wexford 持续时间: 1 Hour


游览类型: Family Attractions 位置: Wexford 持续时间: 1 Hour



  • 自然工作坊。
  • 适合儿童的活动。
  • 收集隐藏的线索。
  • 解开恐龙之谜。


  • Special map


  • Customers will receive a full refund or credit if they provide at least 48 hours notice prior to cancellation.
  • In the event of operator cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances, customers will receive a full refund or credit.
  • No-shows will be charged the full price of the booking.
  • Customers may reschedule their booking to another day if they wish.
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