Try Scuba Diving Course

Tour Type: Outdoor Attractions Location: Galway

Ready to explore the underwater world? The Try Scuba Diving experience is perfect for beginners eager to discover the magic beneath the waves.

Location: Galway

Ready to explore the underwater world? The Try Scuba Diving experience is perfect for beginners eager to discover the magic beneath the waves.

What to Expect

  • Discover marine life.
  • No experience needed.
  • Develop new skills and techniques.
  • Learn alongside an expert guide.

Full Description

For those curious about the underwater world, there's a perfect way to try scuba diving without signing up for a full course.


Take your first unforgettable breaths underwater and experience the magic of scuba diving in a relaxed, introductory session.


Enjoy the thrill of exploring marine life and the sensation of weightlessness in a safe and controlled environment.


This is an ideal opportunity for anyone looking to get a taste of scuba diving without a long-term commitment. Dive in and discover the wonders beneath the waves.


Choose from...

Try Scuba (1 Dive)

- 1 dive to max 4m

- Try Scuba recognition card


Premium Basic Driver (2 Dives)

- 1st dive to max 4m

- 2nd dive to max 8m

- Basic Diver recognition card


Tour Details

Please arrive at the dive centre 5 minutes before your selected tour time.

Inclusions & Exclusions

  • Insurance
  • Equipment
  • Shower facilities
  • Digital underwater photographs (additional fee)

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations made atleast 48 hours prior will receive a full refund.

Things To Bring

  • Swimming togs
  • Towel
  • Bottle of water
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